Cadby Hall Salisbury, Rhodesia
(now Zimbabwe)
subsidiary operation in Rhodesia was known
as: J. Lyons & Co. (Rhodesia) (Pvt.)
Ltd. and their Cadby Hall was situated in
the capital, Salisbury. Here, tea was
blended and packed, and Lyonzade (a
lemonade) manufactured. Coffee,
confectionery and many other commodities
were imported from the UK and Bev from the
South African operation for sale Rhodesia
and Nyasaland (now Malawi). The General
Manager was C. N. B. Wodehouse who was
formerly with the Wholesale Tea Department
in the UK. W. Best was a director and
Secretary who was responsible for all the
accounting, clerical and administrative
functions. The territories of this
operation included the romantic names of
Maschonaland and Matabeleland.