Essence Department was founded in 1921 as
part of the old laboratory. It started
life in St Mary's College where Lyons
developed some of their earliest essences.
Their raw materials were cinnamon from
Ceylon, oranges from Italy, nutmeg from
Singapore, ginger from China, limes from
the West Indies and marjoram from France.
Citrus flavours were some of the most
difficult subjects for the chemists. The
vanilla essence was one of the most common
flavours. The vanilla plant, from which
the essence is made, is a parasite
depending on other vegetation for its
nourishment and its original home was
Mexico. Now most of the thin, brown, dried
beans used come from Madagascar. The
Essence Department produced not only the
familiar liquid essence (sometimes dark
brown and confused with the iodine bottle)
but also a vanilla paste, which was
considered a better flavouring substance
for large-scale manufacturing
are the result of carefully controlled
distilling processes, but in spite of the
care taken in those early days the flavour
was liable to be 'unstable' and weak. For
this reason much research was centred on
the production of other flavours which
were made from highly purified materials.
Deodorizers and perfumes fall into this
category. One of the more stable materials
used was peppermint. Lyons obtained their
supply of oils from a farm in Mitcham,
Surrey, and it was said to be the finest
in the world. The flavourings and
colourings made by the Essence Department
were developed for the company's
manufacturing departments and they were
extensively used by them. In April 1950 a
pioneer van set out to sell a selection of
these essences to retailers, and gradually
Lyons Culinary Essences were introduced
throughout the country and were carried by
all Wholesale Bakery salesmen. There were
twelve flavourings and six colourings. The
one-ounce bottles, measuring 3.5 inches in
length and a quarter inch square, were
said to be ahead of their rivals in
carrying a useful 'dropper-stopper'. This
meant that if a recipe called for three
drops of essence then three drops could be
used. Demonstrations were given in
grocers' shops and customers were shown
how to make fruit-flavoured milk drinks
for children. Rum essence was kept for the
the Second World War the Essence
Department, which had become known as
Lyons Flavours, had outgrown their
premises at Cadby Hall and they moved into
new premises at Greenford where the
business was greatly expanded. In February
1967 the Company formed a relationship
with Florasynth Laboratories Inc. (of
America) by forming a new company in the
UK called Florasynth Limited, with the
equity held in equal amounts by each
company. By forming this partnership,
Florasynth continued to supply products
for use within the company and selling in
a smaller way to food, drink and
confectionery concerns outside the group,
but were also able to represent the
American company (the fourth largest of
its kind in the US). This new venture also
took them into the cosmetic and toiletries
business, pharmaceutical concerns and
other industries. The sale of perfumes and
industrial deodorants, both for direct use
and aerosols widened the business
opportunities. Some minor changes were
made to the offices and production areas
at Greenford mainly the dismantling of the
rooms used for making detergents and ice
cream toppings which were discontinued by
Florasynth after the formation of the new
E. Groom, formally with Florasynth Cocker
Ltd (who represented Florasynth Inc's
interests in the UK until the end of 1966)
joined Terry Tarbuck to look after sales.
John Meredith joined Florasynth in May as
General Manager, Sales. He was formally in
charge of marketing and sales for
Aromatica Ltd, a company specializing in
aromatic chemicals and perfume compounds.
Jim Wilson was Quality Control &
Development. Sidney Cakebread was the
General Manager. He had been with the
company for 40 years having joined in 1928
as a Senior Chemist at Central
Laboratories. He was there continuously
until 1959 when he moved to Rolls
Confectionery Ltd, then a subsidiary of
Lyons, as Research & Development
Manager. When Rolls Confectionery was sold
to Callard & Bowser in 1961, he
returned to Central Laboratories and in
1964 went to Lyons Essence & Process
Department to become Senior Research
Chemist. In 1966 was made General Manager
of Florasynth. Harold Clark, was Factory
Supervisor in charge of manufacture, he
had started his career with Central
Laboratories as a Junior Chemist in 1940.
After four years in the RAF he became a
Hygiene & Process Inspector for the
company and in 1962 he moved to Essences
as Factory Superintendent.
It is
interesting to note that the Florasynth
buildings in Greenford were once used to
make custard powder and Lyonaize salad
cream. The essence business continued in
operation right up to the mid 1980s when
it closed as part of the disposal process
associated with the Allied Breweries
takeover. When it was demolished 20 years
later its rooms were still heavily
impregnated with the distinct odours of
fragrances. The image of the Florasynth
Factory at Greenford was captured when
filming the removal of the Lyons War
Memorials (which stood in a Garden of
Remembrance next to it) on 23 February
2001 as part of their relocation
Peter Bird 2005