buildings 1928
Elms House
Laying Flooring.
Elms House
Open plan
Elms House
staff restaurant 1959
LEO staff
at the staff restaurant
House (Glacier House)
House was situated on the west side of Brook Green
a few yards from its junction with Hammersmith
Road. It was built in 1936/1937 to house the
increasing number of clerical staff and took its
name from the large house that previously occupied
the site. It was designed to house 1,000 clerks who
initially were from the Accounts Department, the
Stock Department, Cost Offices staff and Clerical
Research staff. In 1965 an additional annex was
built on the north side. From the outset careful
planning went into the building of Elms House and
it claimed to have many new design features making
it one of the most modern office buildings of its
time. Everything possible was done to promote
comfortable and efficient working conditions.
Cloakrooms were provided with special drying
apparatus enabling staff to dry their coats and
hats if they arrived wet in the morning. Each
member of staff was provided with a coat hanger and
hat shelf for this purpose. A tea-room was provided
for morning and afternoon breaks but later a
restaurant was installed. Windows were designed to
prevent draughts (but not double glazed) and
contained patterned glass to stop staff from idly
gazing outside! The window ledges were slopped to
prevent papers and other items from being placed on
them. Drinking fountains were placed on each floor.
Special interview rooms were set aside and a
private telephone booth was installed enabling
staff to make private calls at reduced rates. The
electric lighting was indirect to alleviate glare.
Heating was under-floor and thermostatically
controlled. Shelf-backed desks were provided to
allow individual filing. The open plan offices were
treated with sound absorbing material. Rubber
aisle-ways and hollow block flooring, finished with
teak parquet helped to reduce noise. Power points
were installed at each desk station (which were
lined up in regimental rows) so that new office
equipment could be installed as and when required.
The colour scheme was originally deep cream, green
and mahogany which was considered to be restful on
the eyes. Two lifts operated to all five floors.
This arrangement was in stark contrast to later
office ideas when screens, pot plants and coffee
machines ruled. Nevertheless it was considered one
of the most modern offices in its day and was
probably one of the first open-plan ones. John
Simmons, who would later drive the computer
project, was an expert on office systems and had
taken a keen role in its design.
the war years it was not used as office space
because of the large number and size of the
windows, which were consider a hazard in the event
of bombing. Packing materials were stored there
following the destruction in the Blitz of one of
the company's warehouses.
1957 Elms House was chosen to house the LEO II
computer (LEO I having been installed in WX Block).
It was installed on the second floor and with its
engineering and support staff it occupied half of
the second floor area. By 1963 a LEO III computer
was also installed to complement LEO II and later a
LEO 326 computer was also installed. Thus by 1966
the whole of the second floor, and part of the
third floor, was taken up by computers and support
staff. Other computerised devices were installed
including mark reading machines and a laser
printer. A serious fire occurred in 1967 which
almost destroyed the computers but its effect was
reduced due to the fire-proof materials used in the
computer room construction. Nevertheless there was
serious disruption to the company's computerised
the company's formation in 1887 there had been no
concerted effort to maintain its early artefacts
and documentation. As offices moved, or were
closed, much of the company's history was thrown
out. This can now be seen as 'clerical vandalism'
because little remains for historians or other
researchers to study. However, in 1957 two
employees, A. J. Johnston and W. J. Gibson of
Office Management Committee, decided that something
should be done to address this deficiency and they
set about gathering documents and equipment to
start a company museum. This was opened in the
foyer of Elms House on 27 June 1957. Items such as
the bar results from the Franco-British Exhibition
1908, pictures of the Checking Department in 1902,
old typewriters and wine measuring sticks were all
on display. As the years passed and people retired
little interest was shown in preserving these
artefacts and nobody seemed to have responsibility
for them. Over time they were lost as more changes
were made to Elms House.
the ground level, and it is not known if this was
designed from the outset, was a tray-wash. The
trays were used to transport bakery and other goods
to the teashops in specially designed vans. On
their return to Cadby Hall small electric trucks
would carry the soiled trays across Brook Green,
into the tray wash, and return the clean trays for
reuse. This process was carried twenty-fours a day;
the ground floor was like Dante's inferno with
steam and hot water everywhere. By the 1970s Lyons
had re-appraised its computer policy and decided to
install an IBM computer and so the ground floor of
Elms House was converted to a computer suite and
the tray-wash was closed.
was not until 23 February 1959 that Elms House had
its own clerical restaurant. This, like the
Clerical Cafeterias in WX Block, Spike House,
Addison Mansions and St Mary's College were the
responsibility of the Clerical Department. The
kitchens, decor and serving arrangements resulted
from the combined efforts of members of staff from
many departments of the company. The Catering
Manager for all the Clerical Staff Cafeterias was
L. O'Brien who was mainly responsible for the Elms
House project. He had been with the company for 30
years, training as a Manager then Supervisor of the
Teashops. During the war he had served with the RAF
returning to the company to take charge of the
Teashops Bread Unit Allocation and eventually
became Assistant Divisional Supervisor of Teashops.
In 1952 O'Brien joined the Industrial Canteens
Advisory Service under Douglas Gluckstein and in
1958 took over as Manager of the Clerical Staff
Cafeterias. The task of drawing up the original
plan was entrusted to A. H. Steele and E. J. Barber
of the Engineers' Drawing Office who were both
widely experienced in the design of catering
establishments and indeed, had previously worked
together on several occasions. These included the
staff restaurant at the Lyons Maid factory in
Greenford and the kitchens and larger restaurants
in the Corner Houses and hotels. The Elms House
restaurant was designed to seat 400 people and was
designed on the self-service principle largely
based on the Restful Tray Service in the Oxford
Corner House. An innovation was the provision of a
'horse-shoe service' which comprised two counters
with completely identical equipment allowing two
lines of customers to be served at the same time,
thus enabling a far speedier service during the
one-hour meal break. Facilities included the
provision of a Hamburger unit, the first to be
installed in one of the company's staff
restaurants. Structural alterations were required
to the first floor of Elms House before work could
start on the new cafeteria. These were undertaken
by the Cadby Hall Works Department under Albert
(Bill) Bellamy. Their first task was to replace the
wooden floor in the kitchen area with tiles,
efficient drainage and ventilation. Some of the
stainless steel equipment used was made by the
Abbey Road factory and some was obtained from
outside suppliers. The colour scheme was entrusted
to J. E. Rolph of the Architects Office who also
designed the kiosk between the twin service
counters for the sale of cigarettes, and
confectionery. The ceiling tiles in the service
area were white acoustic metal tiles with a dropped
canopy over the counters. Lights concealed in the
canopy illuminated the food display. The seating
section of the restaurant has a ceiling in what was
described as wild rose. The ceiling beams (which
had been squared off in plaster) were painted
porcelain blue at right angles to others in primula
yellow. The lower part of the wall was sage green
to dado height and topped by large windows with
polished wooden sills and white frames. The walls
between the windows were painted in chartreuse and
the central supporting pilasters were in grey and
primula yellow. Chromium plated chairs were
upholstered in carrot yellow and red, with table
tops in birds-eye maple Formica. Sadie Lock,
Manageress, was in charge of the day to day running
of the restaurant. She had 33 years with the
company and had served most of that time in the
company's cafeterias as manager. New uniforms had
been designed for the staff and made up by the
Dressmaking Department. They were white poplin
piped with blue, the top pocket bearing the
monogram CRS (Clerical Staff Restaurant). A
matching scalloped headband completed the neat and
attractive effect.
the late 1970s the movement of bakery and Henry
Telfer production to other parts of the country and
the sale of the hotels freed up some office space
in Cadby Hall. For financial reasons, and where
possible, spare office space was rented to outside
concerns and this meant rearranging the office
space that was available. Glacier House,
Hammersmith, headquarters of Lyons Maid since 1960,
vacated the premises in 1977 and the building was
put up for sale. As a result the Lyons Maid staff
were re-housed on the top three floors of Elms
House in December 1977. To maintain continuity in
the name of Lyons Maid's headquarters Elms House
was renamed Glacier House although the ground and
first floors continued to be occupied by Lyons
Computer Services. One objective of the moves was
to bring all group functions into WX Block, the
Administration Block, wherever possible, and the
subsidiary companies into Elms House and the other
blocks. Central Accounts, Central Buying and
Estates, all formally occupying Elms House, were
transferred to WX Block. During this move an
opportunity was taken to carry out some
improvements in Elms House and particularly to the
restaurant. The supervisors restaurant in the third
floor annex, installed after the main restaurant
was opened in 1959, became Lyons Maid's Staff
Restaurant. The former Clerical Restaurant, already
divided into two parts, one for clerical staff and
the other for factory maintenance staff, was
rearranged to accommodate them and the supervisors.
The new Clerical Restaurant was hung with some of
the lithographs which once adorned the
February 1982 an IBM electronic telephone exchange
was installed in Glacier House (Elms House) to
service Cadby Hall. The equipment was an IBM 3750
computerised telephone switchboard system and the
equipment had been installed four years previously
in Vineyard House (formally 44 Brook Green). When
the occupants of Vineyard House moved to new
offices, John Garner, Finance Manager, obtained
board approval to purchase it for
£100,000 less than a new system would
have cost. The main equipment remained in Vineyard
House, to move it would have been very difficult,
and a new telephone exchange was built on the
second floor of Glacier House (Elms House). This
was then connected by cables to the main electronic
part in Vineyard House. It came online on 1 March
1982 after a mammoth weekend connection of 800
handsets under the direction of Dennis Toombs,
Communications Manager.
sale of the new Cadby Hall in the late 1980s caused
the relocation of Head Office staff to Greenford.
Lyons Maid were sold in 1992 and Glacier House
(formally Elms House) was taken over by EMI Records
in the 1990s who carried out extensive renovations
and changes.